After rushing around like a crazy person this morning to get to Pittsburgh by 4 to sign for Adam's Beer of the Month package, he of course texts me 10 min into the drive saying that they couldn't deliver it anyway b/c for some odd reason they don't have their liquor license up to date. Anyhoo, so I ended up here way before he got off of work, bored out of my mind. And sitting here thinking about how wonderful dinner is going to be because we are having one of our all time favorites: Chicken Pillows. SO good.
Once he gets home and we workout at the gym for a little bit, we decide we are both ridiculously hungry and must eat. I had been keeping this recipe a secret from him for a while -- not for any reason in particular, just to torment the poor thing since he likes them so much. I finally broke down and showed him how to make this tasty creation tonight. And thus, I pass it on to you:
Chicken Pillows
2 cans (10 oz.) white chicken chunks
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 cans crescent rolls
3/4 c. Italian breadcrumbs
4 tbsp. butter
Drain chicken. Mix shredded chicken with three-fourths of the softened cream cheese.
Separate the crescent rolls into four squares (the way it comes), blend the diagonal perforation together to form a rectangle. Divide rectangle into 1/3s so strips are about 2" wide. Place 1 Tbsp of chicken mix into dough square. Fold dough in half (making a "chicken pillow"). Dip one side in melted butter, then breadcrumbs. Place crumb side up on pan.
Bake at 325 for 15 min. Makes 24 pillows.

Of course, I halved this recipe and served it with some Lipton's Chicken Flavored RiceSides which goes beautifully with these, although they can also make great appetizers. Enjoy!
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